The Recovery Server Could Not Be Contacted. The Disk You Inserted Was Not Readable by This Computer. Computer Restarted Because of A Problem. With the recovery software you can efficiently recover all the pictures. If you have kept a backup copy then its fine but if not then in such a situation you can use a third party tool for iPhoto library recovery However, the first thing you need to do is to stop using iPhoto any further to avoid the lost photos getting overwritten by new ones. However, to clean iPhoto you may face data loss situations with loads of your images becoming inaccessible or lost. You can check the images by viewing their creation date, file name, file size, and height and width of the image and remove the one or more copies of the same picture. You must also remove any duplicate pictures which get created due to some reasons. This would make sure that you do not lose any data. Before rebuilding and before you clean up iPhoto library you need to make sure that you backup all the data stored in it. Thirdly, you can speed up your iPhoto’s speed by rebuilding the database once again. This can be got rid off by adjusting the size of the picture with the help of the slider at the right hand side of the interface or with the shortcuts on the keyboard. Secondly, if there are innumerable large pictures then iPhoto may become jerky. If Counts is left on, iPhoto will take a bit larger time as compared to the time taken to start when Counts is off. To clean up iPhoto and speed it up, you need to follow a few precautions like in the iPhoto preferences turning off the Show Items Count option in General Section.
If you have extensively used your iPhoto and have stored thousands of pictures in it then there are chances that this would affect its speed considerably.
However, after prolonged usage iPhoto gets slow with sluggish performance and taking a bit too much time to launch making it essential to clean iPhoto. It is capable of managing huge volume of data efficiently without worrying about its abilities. It is a hugely popular photo-organization application which made sharing photos with emails and facebook, Flickr, MobileMe, etc possible. Apple’s iPhoto is the one of the most popular applications on the Mac.