Vida y destino humano pdf dethlefsen
Vida y destino humano pdf dethlefsen

vida y destino humano pdf dethlefsen

Knowledge of factors associated with the course of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) before treatment is needed to inform preventive interventions. Despite of limitations, the present study demonstrates that clinicians may need careful evaluation of psychiatric symptoms for proper management of patients with LUTS/BPH. Further, anxious patients had a lower response to treatment in patients with LUTS/BPH. Our exploratory results suggest that depression, anxiety and somatization may have some influences on the clinical manifestation of LUTS/BPH. Anxious patients showed significantly higher proportion of non-response (odds ratio, 3.294, P = 0.022) than those without, while somatic patients had a trend toward having more non-responders (OR, 2.552, P = 0.067). The LUTS/BPH severity was significantly higher in patients with depression (whole symptoms P = 0.024 storage sub-symptom P = 0.021) or somatization (P = 0.024) than in those without, while the quality of life (QOL) was significantly higher in patients with anxiety (P = 0.038) than in those without. The primary endpoint was a responder rate defined by the total score of IPSS (≤ 7) at the end of treatment. The LUTS/BPH patients were evaluated with the Korean versions of the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), the 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) and the PHQ-15. This is the first study to investigate the influence of depression, anxiety and somatization on the treatment response for lower urinary tract symptoms/benign prostatic hyperplasia (LUTS/BPH). Respetar al anciano deberá ser una meta a corto plazo en las sociedades

vida y destino humano pdf dethlefsen

Participativo en la vida diaria de su familia y de su sociedad. La vida positiva, creadora y entusiasmante, siempre y cuando las circunstancias médicasĪpartar al anciano de la vida solitaria, de desapego y exclusión y tornarlo más Se aconseja adoptar posturas de vida que logren insertar de nuevo al anciano, a Han cambiado con los siglos, estando en la actualidad vista con actitudes despectivas y Únicamente de él, sino de todo su entorno familiar y social. No hay duda que la misión de mejorar la calidad de vida del anciano no depende Menciona sin profundizar, situaciones del anciano que se deben mejorar, tantoĬonsigo mismo como con la sociedad actual, para poder vivir mejor, con mayor calidad Urinaria, nocturia, incontinencia de urgencia), unidos al deterioro inevitable de la Toca aspectos que se creen fundamentales para explicar la fuerte unión existente entreĪspectos psicoemocionales y los síntomas urinarios bajos (frecuencia urinaria, urgencia Reflexiones sobre la vejez, la psiquis y los síntomas urinarios, es un ensayo que

Vida y destino humano pdf dethlefsen